Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Agile and Evm for the Dod: a Review of the Challenges and a New Approach to Solve them, Roberta Winterowd
A Unique Approach Against Child Sex Offenders: Jefferson County "Cheezo" Unit the Model for Success?, Sonia R. Chavez
The Effects of Illegal Migration From Mexico to the U.S., Eric Dent
Teen Dating Violence: Adolescent Development and its Role in the Success of Prevention Programs, Lisa Dougherty
Lean Principles:: Can Proven Manufacturing Techniques Benefit an Information Technology Organization?, Erik D. Kim
Ssd Flash Drives Used to Improve Performance with Clarity Data Warehouse, Douglas Ervin
The Beach: a Narrative thesis, Reuben Matthew Closson
Pediatric Asthma Control Assessment Project, Rosario Correa
The Effects of an Educational Support Group Intervention On Nurse Manager Burnout, Donna Faviere
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Software Requirements As Executable Code, Karen Eileen Wasielewski Morand
Data Integration: a Case Study in the Financial Services Industry, Louis Epie
A Descriptive Analysis of the Effects Post Discharge Phone Calls Have On Readmission Rates for Medicare Beneficiaries, Heaven Owens
A Guide to Documenting Software Design for Maximum Software Portability for Software Defined Radios, Joseph Snively
Fetal Attraction: a Descriptive Study of Patterns in Fetal Abductions, Kerry E. Arquette
The Use of Familial Dna Searches: a Policy Analysis, Caroline O. Moorman
Corporal Punishment and Aggression in Adulthood: a Product of Social Learning, Derek R. Schneider
Simplified Single Source Xml Model: for Student-Centered Educational Content Management, Tamara K. Taylor
Extended Bridge Software Design Pattern, Andrew J. Haigh
Jeffrey Dahmer: Psychopathy and Neglect, Tamara Higgs
Introduction of Key Performance Indicators to the Dynamics of Planned Change: a Modern Study, Tommy Wells
Transitioning From Relational to Nosql: a Case Study, John McPhillips
Navajo Peacemaking and Māori Restorative Justice: a Comparison of Process and Procedure, Alethia Z. Fenney
Knowledge Management Across Cultural Boundaries: Global Organizational Knowledge-Sharing, Jeffrey Harling
Impact of a Case Management Program On Immigrants' Health Status and Access to Care, Nelly Kangethe
Cold Case Homicides: an Examination of Clearance Factors, Matthew M. Lunn
Effective Parole Supervisor Traits Observed By Texas Parole Officers, David H. Bolding II
Community Reentry Programs and their Effect On Recidivism:: a Study of Life Skills Clients at the Denver County Jail, Valerie M. Gantzler
Examining Sociobiological Fitness Traits in Conjunction with the General Strain Theory in Convicted Rapists, Lorinda R. Hetterle
Leadership Traits: an Analysis of Perceived Leadership Qualities in Law Enforcement and Work Production, Joshua T. Hotchkiss
Juvenile Risk Factors Affecting Probability of Rearrest and Treatment Options, Susan D. Kindred
Fear of Crime' & Media Representation of Crime in Denver, Ryan M. Martinez
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design and Crime Rates in Apartment Settings, Robyn M. Radosevich
Rural Heart Attack Care, Julie J. Benz
Impact of a Nurse Residency Program On First-Year Retention Rates for New Graduate Nurses, Cathern S. Velasquez
Peoplesoft Enterprise Change Assistant's Efficiencies, Eric Tijerina
Madagascar: Transitions in health care, Margaret Altepeter
The effects of achievement goals and feedback on performance: with a prologue on an individual search for meaning, James Estes
The population growth and control of African elephants in Kruger National Park, South Africa:: Modeling, managing, and ethics concerning a threatened species, William C. Fulton
Beauty and Elegance in the World Around Us:: Elucidating the Higher Order Structure of the B12 Riboswitch in thermatoga Maratima and Reflections Concerning the Interface Between Science and Religion, Alexander R. Ghincea
Who Needs Thomas Pynchon? the Role of a Post-Foundational, Reader Response Author, Lauren Kersey
Propranolol: a Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (Ptsd) Or a Breach in Neuroethics?, Joshua R. Kniss
Perceptions of Community-Based Advocates in Jefferson County, Colorado Concerning Intimate Partner Violence Against Women, Amanda A. Lathrop
"She Has a Lovely Face": Performative Female Death and the Lady of Shalott, Angela Mercier
The Love Triangle: Reasons Romantic Relationships Don'T Work and How to Attain a Relationship that Does, Mary Beth Navo
Maybe She's Born with It: Analyzing theories of Beauty From Biology, Society and the Media, Carlee Taga
Hundreds of Years in Every Face: Continuing Colonial Influence On Postcolonial Representations of Women, Olivia R. Tracy
Improving Care and Outcomes for the Late Preterm Infant, Angela T. Houck
An Educational Intervention to Enhance Nursing Competency in the Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers in the Rural Setting, Cassie M. Banks
From Competency to Capability, Rickie Jo Bonner
Utilizing High Fidelity Simulation to Enhance Nursing Students' Level of Self-Efficacy in Caring for Patients and their Families in their End of Life Journey, JoAnn Gjellum Crownover
Improving Access to Primary Healthcare and Cost Effective Care for Underserved Populations, Patricia T. Dey
Primary Prevention of Preschool Children Through a Patient Centered Medical Home Approach, Joanna Dominick
An Educational Intervention for Hospice and Palliative Care Nurses, Troy E. Fletcher
Effects of a Cued Break and Stretch Program On Computer Use Productivity and Hand Or Wrist Pain, Ruth R. Korecki
Patient Satisfaction: Communication with Nurses, Cathy C. Oni
Evidence-Based Practice Gap in Knowledge, Margaret M. Orn
Nursing Students' Experiences Using High-Fidelity Cardiovascular Simulation: a Descriptive Study, Teresa A. Paden
The Development of a Faculty/Peer Mentoring Program for First Semester Baccalaureate Nursing Students, Felicia G. Pendleton
The Effects of Instructor Immediacy and Online Course Design in Student Satisfaction and Successful Course Completion, Nancy Slizewski
Impact of Parental Separation Preceded By Parental Conflict On the Propensity for Youth Criminality, Casimir Bannis
Rethinking the marketing of rural destinations:: a comprehensive model and case study of Gunnison County, Colorado, Karoline M. Garren
Holistic Learning: Seeking a Purposeful Life By Engaging Science and the Humanities, Cassi D. Konopasek
A Practice-Based Research Approach to Explore the Relationship of Preoperative Warming to the Incidence of Surgical Site Infection in the Ambulatory Surgical Patient, Krista A. LaRussa
Stitchin' Quarters, Inc. -- Business Plan, Sarah Magill
Worrying Ourselves Sick: Biological, Psychological, and Social Components to Stress-Related Disease, Shannon Quirk
Mobile Technology Update to Delone and Mclean Model of Information Success, Jason Ryberg
The Changing Face of Autism Spectrum Disorder, Lana Schamberger
Simulation in Nursing Education: a tool for Program Evaluation, Janet M. Withersty
Thoughts Before Dying: Ethics and Morality of the End, Caitlin A. Wojciehoski
Development of Database and Software Modules to Identify Case Relationships Using Unstructured Data, Alberto D. Lombardo
A change in habit: Benedictine sisters, Vatican II and the pursuit of a meaningful renewal, Rose Aspholm
Quality safety assessment/application for nurses (QSAAN), Kathleen A. Bradley
Contesting competitiveness: the case for a democratized workforce, Kaleb Brooks
A Health Disparity: the Link Between Socioeconomic Status and Type II Diabetes, Anne Flower
Provider Opinion about Guidance Provided by a Prostate Cancer Screening Educational Pamphlet, Patricia Hughes
Media bias toward the Colorado Springs police department: an analysis of the existence of bias through three eras of police chiefs /, Jennifer Walden
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
The Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing of Two Networks, Steven L. Simpson
An Analysis of User-Centric Identity Technology Trends, Openid's First Act, Peter Motykowski
Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence: Comparative Analysis of Olap tools, Mahesh Kumar Bhetwal
Exploring Information Technologies to Support Shotgun Proteomics, Alexander M. Mendoza
Continuous Monitoring in the Cloud Environment, Victoria Nyffeler
An Inquiry Regarding the Development of an Effectual Architecture Framework Supporting Next Generation 9-1-1, Patrick Purdy
The Insider Threat, Jacinda L. Wunderlich
Behavior Based Threat Assessment As a tool for the Federal Protective Service in Mitigating Directed Violence, Aaron L. Godbey
Risk Factors for Fraud in Elderly Americans, Antonia M. Jensen
Examining the Circular Relationship Between the Heroin Trade in Afghanistan and Afghan Insurgency Funding, Edward J. Kljunich
Tlingit Women in Leadership: One Culture, Two Worlds, Lena M. Lauth
Effectiveness of therapeutic Communities: a Comparison of Prison-Based and Community-Based therapeutic Communities, Nicole R. Roybal
Crimes Committed By Tattooed Female Offenders and the Significance of Body Art Content and Location, Megan Sullivan
Human Trafficking for the Purpose of Sexual Exploitation Within the United States and Denver Colorado, Jennifer E. Templeton
Drawbacks with It Outsourcing; Dealing with the End of the Contract, Michael Muntean
Investigation of Efficient Unified Threat Management in Enterprise Security, Ryan Lynn
Analysis of Windows Cardspace Identity Management System, Thomas Hanrahan
Automated Database Refresh in Very Large and Highly Replicated Environments, Eric King
Examining Military Retention Rates of It Service Members: Research towards Mitigating the Loss of It Professional Service Members, Paul B. Warner
Erp Implementation: an Investigation Into Social Capital and Knowledge Extraction in the Public Sector., Corey E. Jensen
Computer Security Policy: Preventing Vulnerabilities and the Impact of Selective Enforcement On an Organization, LaTrice D. Parker-Stewart
Media Perception Of Excessive Police Force Based On Unemployment Rate: An Analysis Of Colorado Springs, Denver, And Pueblo, Jennifer Meckstroth
Differences in Community Policing Definitions of County and City La W Enforcement Agencies in Colorado, Jenna J. Slabaugh
A Fuzzy Logic Stock Trading System Based On Technical Analysis, Sammy Zeigenbein
Towards a Traceable Enterprise Architecture for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Brian R. Houghtaling
Uncovering Network Perimeter Vulnerabilities in Cisco Routers According to Requirements Defined in Pci Dss 2.0, David E. Naples
The Demographics of Healthcare Fraud in South Florida, Jennifer K. Pond
Medical Marijuana Centers and Urban Resident's Perception of Crime in their Neighborhood, Maura L. Scherrer
Use of Service Oriented Architecture for Scada Networks, Scott H. Beavers
Revelation: Overcoming Blindness to See a Common Humanity, Kelsey A. Schmidt
Godzilla and the Changing Contract Between Science and Society, Stefanie Maletich
Feminism and the Emerging Nation in El Salvador, Emily Anderson
Priming and the brain: an unexpected case of reverse priming with a prologue on the paradox of free will, Chávez Heidi Márquez A.
Victims of Identity theft: Can Existing Victim Assets Mitigate the Emotional and Psychological Impact, Carolyn M. Billecci
The Millennium Development Goals: Changing the Way We Do Development, Chelsea Coalwell
A Critical and Prescriptive Approach to Analyzing Green Waste Management for Regis University (Denver, Colorado), Tamsin Connell
Ensuring Stability in a Post Castro Cuba Through the Modernization of Agriculture, Corey Alexander Holton
Can Routine Activities Theory Be Applied to Explain White Collar Crime? a Crime-Specific Analysis Using Reverse Redlining, Jory A. Maes
Making Sense of the My Lai Massacre, Gus Maxwell
Human Trafficking: a Growing, Global Concern, Colleen McGoff
Understanding and Modeling Currency Crises and Contagion, Maria C. Molina
Privilege, Praxis, and Solidarity: Reflecting On a Journey From Romero House to El Salvador, Michael William Mudd
Living in the Mystery: Myriad Approaches to Death in Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Terror, Jenni A. Shearston
The Best Nix for a Combined Honeypot Sensor Server, Stephen M. Rodriguez
A Qualitative Study To Explore The Low Number Of Women In Information Technology In The United States, William Baker
Understanding Data Within The Enterprise To Control Or Reduce Data Storage Growth, Anthony Daubenmerkl
A Methodology For Capturing Tacit Knowledge Within The Defense Industry, Stephen M. Dokus
Evaluating Best Practices In Document Management, Angela Lokie
Gender Equality With Agile In Software Engineering, Deborah P. Martin
Towards A Framework For Maintaining Defensibility In Encrypted Network Environments, John Prewett
Prescription Drug Abuse And Diversion Increase With Age, Don Wunderlin
Mandated Government Regulations in Healthcare: Is Healthcare It Overregulated? a Post Mandate Study, Mark Albright
When Is an Enterprise Service Bus (Esb) the Right Choice for an Integrated Technology Solution?, John (Gerry) Burns
Information Assurance; Small Business and the Basics, William Samuel Fleming IV
Risk Considerations When Determining Network in Infrastructure Upgrade Methodology, Gene Brandt
Effecting Data Quality Through Data Governance: a Case Study in the Financial Services Industry, Patrick Egan
Perceptions of Nepalese physicians and nurses on the shortage of health care professionals in Nepal, Shyamala Shiwakoti
Societal Integration and Radical Islam Among Muslim Immigrants in Europe and the United States, Ghada Wahdan
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Evaluation Real-Time Data Warehousing Challenges From A Theoretical And Practical Perspective, Dale Hargens
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease In Neonates And Infants: A Systematic Review To Identify Best Practice For Treatment, Kristen M. McKinnon
Preventing Computer Identity theft, Donald R. McDaniel
Efficacy of the United States Safe Harbor Framework, Margaret M. Beck
Implementing Reading and Writing in Secondary Mathematics, Mari E. Eisenhart
How Proactive Measures Reduce Patient Handling Injuries Among Healthcare Workers In A Hospital Setting: A Systematic Review To Determine Best Practice, Kimberly A. Jefferson
Non-Patient Laboratory Outreach Testing Feasibility Study For A Community Hospital Laboratory, Krista S. Montano
Correlates of Inter-Generational Transmission of Intimate Partner Violence, Nivin A. Qudeimat-Tercero
Food Consumption And Childhood Obesity, Vanessa Santa Catharina
Physics and Philosophy: Science Education Through the Eyes of Ayn Rand, Vanessa Wos
Home Computer Security Can Be Improved Using Online Video Streaming Services, Russell Barber
Hospital Network Infrastructure: a Modern Look Into the Network Backbone with Real Time Visibility, Homan Mike Hirad
A Critical Analysis of Payload Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection Systems, Anthony F. Mercurio
Leveraging Information Technology Within a Roman Catholic Diocese, Sidney K. Rodriguez
Database Concepts in a Virtual World, Janet L. Ochs
Deep Packet Inspection and its Effects On Net Neutrality, Michael A. DeRose
Exploring the Benefits of Buying Industry Leading It Infrastructure in a Healthcare Setting, Frank Biondolillo
Building Information Objects, Morales Cristobal Velez
A Data Warehouse Solution Emphasizing the Use in Geographic Information Systems, Catherine Carpenter
Towards Establishing a Change Management Process at an Academic Research Laboratory Network, Russell Moult
A Comparative Analysis of Auditing Within the Healthcare Database, Richard E. Butler
Storage Virtualization Promises Agility in the Data Center, Peter Egli
Professional Implications of Using Online Social Networking Systems By Persons Who Are Blind, Steven A. Kurutz
Improving Requirements Elicitation By Leveraging the Discipline of Screenwriting, Albert Gardella
The Relationship of Techies to General Users in Closing the Digital Divide Within Mid-Sized Law Firms, Peter Y. Floyd M.
An Examination of Online Learning Security Requirements Within a Virtual Learning Environment of an Irish University, Caroline Horan
Sql Injection Attacks and Countermeasures: a Survey of Website Development Practices, Evan Ryder
A Framework for the Automatic Physical Configuration and Tuning of a Mysql Community Server, Kevin Spillane
Layered Security Solutions Over Dependency Within Any Layer, Olga H. Brandt
Requirement Specification Stage of the Project Lifecycle of Computerized Systems & the Standards that Can Be Implemented, Nicola Grace
Web 2.0 Technologies Within a Higher Education Online Database Practicum Supporting a New Collaborated Methodology, Sandra Blackman
Mathematics in Motion: a Handbook of Kinesthetic Teaching Strategies, Janie Brown Salazar
Response to Intervention and Implementing Early Math Intervention Programs, Megan Souther
The Effects of Information Technology Processes On Computerized Clinical Decision Support Systems, Shari Valenta
Driving Retail Sales Through Effective Supply Chain Management Technology, James Haws
Prism: the Development of an Online Repository for Information Security Education Resources, Vincent Garramone
Social Networking Privacy: a Qualitative Study of the Risks and Effects of Sharing Data to a Global Environment Via Facebook, Bryan L. Mack
Assessment of Society's Awareness, Acceptance, and Demand for Robotic Wait Staff in Restaurant Operations, Jeffrey Parrent
From Augustine to Scalia: Catholic Thought and Capital Jurisprudence in the United States, William Gohl
A Security Assessment of Mobikey for Remote Access, Joseph Brooks
Collaboration Methods for Social Service Agencies: a Case Study of Johnson County, Indiana, Larry Noonan
Evaluation of Dnssec in Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2, Christopher Hair
Goal Achievement Through Self-Directed Learning and Self-Regulation in Young Adulthood, Henry Murray
Inquiry in Support of the Knowledge Sharing Life Cycle Within a Higher Education Database Practicum: a Case Study at Regis University, Martha Jorgensen
Assessing the Flexibility of a Service Oriented Architecture to that of the Classic Data Warehouse, Michael Pastore
Energy Savings Through Multi-Level Security Clients, Keith S. McAbee
Scenario Based Training in an Aviation Training Environment, Brenda A. Cox
Educational Implications of High Stakes Testing, Nicole S. Caldwell
The Rubik's Crypto-Cube: a Trans-Composite Cipher, Daniel R. Van der Vieren
Academic and Social Adjustments International Students Deal with Attending U.S. Universities, Renee L. Davis
A Design of a Generic Profile-Based Queue System, Ali Husain
Change Management in a Dynamic Information Technology Environment: Inquiries Into the Adkar Model for Change Management Results, Michael S. Lowery
A Strategy for Improving Performance On a Sharepoint Social Computing Portal, Matt Adkins
Transitioning a Lutheran Elementary School to Meet the Needs of English Language Learners and their Families: the First Two Years, Sara L. Doyle
Information Technology Control Model for Wastewater Treatment Plant, Ray Sandoval
The Digital Revolution: an Analysis of Technological Innovation in the Music Industry, Joey Ariniello
Weight Maintenance: Identifying Critical Skills and Strategies for Successful Weight Loss Maintenance, Bonnie L. Chapman
Photosystem and Philosophy, Gabriel J. Gallegos
Effects of Pretreatment with Clozapine On Spatial Memory of Rats with Lesioned Dorsal Hippocampi, Justin T. Losacco
Rock, Paper, Scissors Shoot: an Exploration of the Refinements of the Nash Equilibrium and their Applications to the Housing Market Collapse, Maureen McDaniel
Partisan of Greatness: Andre Malraux's Devotion to Caesarism, Erik Meddles
Intimacy, Influence, and Imitation:: a Study of the Courtly Love Poetry of Sir Walter Ralegh, Mariah Renee Raney
Bridging Cultures: Integrative Health Care for Hmong Refugees, Erika Tanaka
Reanimating Jane: Relevance in Austen's Pride and Prejudice and Seth Grahame-Smith's Zombies, CharLee Colleen Toth
Leveraging Virtualization for Performance Driven Development, Matthew Sullivan
The Use of Web 2.0 Technologies to Support Continuing Medical Education, Steven M. Folstein
Visual Networking, James Paul
Information Security Among Small Organizations: a Survey, Jason Carter
Simultaneous Implementation Of Ssl And Ipsec Protocols For Remote Vpn Connection, Deyan Mihaylov
Mission Statement Content And Prevalence Among Local Police Departments And Sheriffs' Offices, Gwendolyn L. Pascoe
Using Simulated Human Models in Radiologic Technology Education, Scott L. Smith
Upper Paleolithic Art: a Creative Teaching tool, Ginger L. Trovik
Cultural Diversity in the Workplace: a Guide for Effective Instruction for All Adult Learning Styles, Lauren M. Barela
Capability Maturity Model Integration (Cmmi) for Small Organizations, Kevin Scott
Database Localization in a Test Environment, Thuy-Uyen Tran
Effective and Compassionate Communication Between Hospital Staff and Parents of Children with Newly Diagnosed Cancer, Natalie Volz
The Use of Olap Reporting Technology to Improve Patient Care Services Decision Making Within the University Health Center, Carlos M. Gonzalez
Mapping System Management of Two Erps (Oracle Ebusiness Suit and Peoplesoft), Eric Hernandez
Design and Implementation of a Podcast Recording Studio for Business Communications, Timothy W. McLaughlin
Develop Best Practices for Designing Internal Business Database-Driven Web Applications, Stephen C. Rash
Evaluation and Development of Selection Criteria to Guide Organizational Selection of a Project Management Maturity Model, Diane Zandin
Databases in Courts: the Kenyan Experience, Samwel Otieno Oyuuh
Eighth Grade Mathematics Curriculum Alignment for School District 27J, Frances Bell
Dissecting Departure: a Study of Student Withdrawal Surveys at Regis University, Stacey M. Green
Improving Optical Character Recognition Accuracy for Cargo Container Identification Numbers, Mark Bayless
Older Adults as Volunteers: Perceptions of their Physical and Mental Health, Katie Elliott
Utilizing Mentoring to Promote Leadership Growth and Development in a Corporate Environment, Laura K. Paris
Electronic Medical Records: A Systematic Review of Published Reports on the Effect of Implementation in Primary Care/Office-Based Settings, Patricia T. Vigil
An Agile Ba: a Case Study of the Business Analyst in Agile, Nathan Wagner
Redesigning the Information Assurance Undergraduate Curriculum at Regis University, Robert L. Winter
Investigating Basic Quality of Service Design Possibilities for Regis University Academic Research Network Edge Routers, Robert Zwick
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Realizing the Technical Advantages of Star Transformation, Karen L. Darling
An Investigation Into Rewriting a Security Policy for Loreto College, Paul M. Mwai
Accelerated Internationalization in Born Globals: an Analysis of Factors Influencing their Rapid Internationalization, Leland G. Hoover
Seeking Magis: a Virtuous Approach to Medical Practice, Alex Colgan
Teaching Shakespeare in the 21St Century: a Guide for Secondary Educators, Deborah Heilmer
Reading & Writing Health: Nurses' Experience Of Patients' Health Literacy, Susan Herrgott
Social Service Needs And Perceptions Of Low-Income Latinos In Metro Denver, Marissa M. Kaesemeyer
Enhancing Student Learning with Brain-Based Research, Ted Bonnema
The Role of Engineering Graphics in the Civil Engineering Technology Curriculum, Charles F. DiDomenico
Workshop to Support Vertical Articulation at Discovery Canyon Campus, Niki Miscovich
Computer Crime and Identity theft, Harry A. Hunter
A Cisco-Based Proposal for Arne Core Routing Infrastructure, Ingrimar James
Breaking From Tradition: India and the Path to Development, Angel M. Newsom
Database System Architecture for Fault tolerance and Disaster Recovery, Anthony Nguyen
Integration and Deployment Techniques in Combination with Development Methodologies, Brian E. Nesbitt
Nurse-Patient Communication in Oncology Setting: a Phenomenological Study of Trust From Patients' Perspectives, Julia B. Havelick
Teaching Literacy Through Guided Reading, Running Records, and Miscue Analysis, Michelle Elaina Vandever
Creation and Implementation of an It Governance Compliant It Asset Management Framework for Wexford County Council, Alan O'Rourke
Designing and Implementing a Distributed Database for a Small Multi-Outlet Business, Joseph Grech
Pmo Lite for Colorado Housing and Finance Authority, Sheri Lowrance
Techniques for Addressing Gender Cognitive Differences in the Elementary Classroom, Nichole R. Brooker
Runtime Automated Detection of Out of Process Resource Management in the X Windowing System, Caolan McNamara
Implementation of a 6 Week Persuasive Reading and Writing Curriculum for Middle School Students, Robin D. Alt
Internet Safety for Students in Elementary Schools, Laurie MacArthur
Teacher Training for Medical Students and Residents, Gates Jr. Richards
A Pragmatic Evaluation of an Academic Practicum's Knowledge Transfer Process, Luis F. Pacheco
An Investigation Into the Development of a Practical Gis Mapping tool Supporting Emissions Inventory Information, Elizabeth J. Davis-Noland
Techniques to Promote Active Learners in Introductory Philosophy Courses: a Curriculum for a Philosophy 101 Course, David R. Des Armier Jr.
Implementing the Information Technology Information Library (Itil) Framework, Lawrence Wade Lowder
Leadership Development for Elementary Students, Krista Ullestad
The Influence of Journaling On Self-Actualization and Creative Expression, Ann G. Williamson
Implementing an Sap Transportation Management System Solution: a Case Study, Debra F. Wycoff
The Mean Bean: the Biological, Economic, and Social Consequences of Soy Bean an Production Within the Brazilian Amazon, Randal James Davis
An In-Depth Look at Fractal Image Compression, Sarah Detty
Beyond Morality: Global Poverty As a Threat to National Security, William Dong
How Freud Explains the Tudors: Psychological Motivations and Historical Understanding of Tutor England's Religious Schism, Timothy M. Etzkorn
Harry Potter and the Evolving Hero Archetype, Kellynn Gates
Replacing Health Insurance with Health Assurance: Establishing the Right Health Care and the Need for Reform in the United States, Sohayla K. Hadjimaleki
Developing Destruction: the Arms Industry, Catholic Scientists, and Morality, Drew Jones
Macro-Prudential Accounting: a Theory Regarding Magis, Becky Klausner
A Grunge Philosophy, Or: How I Came to Speak a Sub-Cultural Vocabulary Negating Social Binaries, Anthony Lechuga
Enriched Environments Protect Against Depression Brought About By Chronic Mild Stress and Increase Neuronal Density in the Hippocampus in Sprague-Dawley Rats, McKenzie LeTendre
Scrutinizing the Signs of Times: the Catholic Church, Moral theology, and the Hiv/Aids Crisis, Sarah Moran
The Effects of Housing Environment On Drug Addiction in Mice, Kamila Naszkowska
The Purification and Electrochemistry of His-Tagged Photosystem Ii, Zachary J. Owens
Teaching English As a Second Language Students Literacy: a Comprehensive Literacy Model for Monolingual Educators, Kristen M. Rodgers
Whose Frito Pie Is It? Competing Nostalgias in American Kitsch, Pearl Shields
Peak Oil: the Future of Oil and How to Prepare for It, Norbert Steinbock
The Heroes We Mistake for Villains: the Truth Behind Self-Sacrifice and Transformation, Breanna Symmes
Software Simulation and Emergency Response Training: a Case Study, Heather Burke
Moving Into the Holy: Exploring Liturgical Dance in a Small Group Setting, Laura L. Padgett
English Language Learners and the Development of the English Language Learner Curriculum, Robyn Rioux
Classroom Management Techniques for Adhd Students: a Teaching Guide for Secondary Teachers, Troy A. Stevens
A Guide for Mentoring Programs in Police Departments, Larry Valencia
Development of a Data Acquisition System for an Ecommerce Website, Paul Hughes
CRM and Spiritual Care, Gary L. James
Case Study: Implementing Tools for Software Quality Assurance, James Brennan
Performance Comparison of Hibernate and EclipseLink Technologies for Mapping an Object-Oriented Model to a Relational Database, Lyubov Buleza
Open Source Trouble Ticket System, Steve Chapman
Children of Foster Care: Elevating their Voices, Nancy A. Cristadoro
A Mentor Program to Improve Performance and Retention of Customer Service Representatives, Colette R. Garcia
Motivational Strategies for Students Who Attend Title I Schools, Michele E. Heckman
Development of the Curriculum for the Introduction to Computer Science Course, Nancy Major
Blended Learning in a Corporate Training Environment, Harold Snowden
A Strategy for Reducing I/O and Improving Query Processing Time in an Oracle Data Warehouse Environment, Chris Titus
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Teacher Efficacy and its Impact On Student Achievement, Carissa Freeman
A Competition Module for a Small Business Management Class, Thomas C. Moore
Efficacy of Complementary and Alternative Medicine On Perceived Well-Being in Geriatric Long-Term Care Residents, Shannon L. Baer
Aging in Place Perceptions Between Seniors Living in Independent Living Senior Communities and Seniors Living in Residential Homes, Diana L. Delgado
Palliative Care Patients and their Quality of Life As Perceived By the Patient and their Caregiver, Debra L. Dignan
What Is the Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity and its Relationship to Physical Activity in Children, Cameron Grove
Healthcare Expenditure Vs Healthcare Outcomes: a Comparison of 25 World Health Organization Member Countries, Stevan Hidalgo
Relationship of Emotional Intelligence of Healthcare Leaders and Measures of Employee Satisfaction and Turnover, Karen Jarman
Hospital Costs for Acute Myocardial Infarction Patients Receiving Perfect Compliance of Evidence-Based Care Bundle, Jill S. McCormick
Patient to Nurse Ratios and Safety Outcomes for Patients, Julie RinaldiFuller
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs: a Systematic Review of Effects On Pregnancy Rates, Lorry E. Staufer
The Nursing Shortage: a Fresh Perspective, Mary K. Wallenburg
Fibromyalgia: an Exploration of Herbs for Treatment, Earnestine Bufford
An Investigation of the Security Designs of a Structured Query Language (Sql) Database and its Middleware Application and their Secure Implementation Within Thinclient Environments, Melissa D. Winner-Leoni
The Importance of Integrating Curriculum Disciplines in Middle School Classrooms, Amanda Vanni
The Effects of Participation in Extracurricular Activities On Academic Performance in Secondary School Students, Elizabeth G. Rees
Development of a Physician Profiling Data Mart, Connie Chambers
Enhancing the Development Process with Wikified Widgets, Gary Gotchel
Implementation of the Metadata Elements of the Inspire Directive, Fiona Lawlor
A Guide for Best Practices in English 9 Essentials: Literature Strand, Marlene Y. Daly
Strategies to Help Subject Matter Experts Become Master Trainers, Molly Everman
Identification of Hispanic American Students and Students of Poverty for Gifted and Talented Programs, Katherine E. Hageman
Parent Education Seminar: Children's Emotional Development, Barbara E. Kase
The Importance of Professional Development for Secondary Content Area Classroom Teachers, Kelle N. May-Garst
Abdicating the Philosopher King: a Look at the Critical Thinking for the Everyman, Jacqueline D. Silverman
Standardized Testing: Are the Benefits Really there?, Alan D. Foster
A Study of G-Factor Intelligence in Correlation with Gray Matter Volume, White Matter Volume, and Neuron Density in the Cerebral Cortex, Caitlin Healy
Ignacio Ellacuría and the University: Universitariamente Bajando De La Cruz a Los Pueblos Crucificados, Graham Hunt
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Our Collective Nightmare, Jen Janes
Just What the Doctor Ordered: Reformation of the U.S. Healthcare System Through a Dose of Preventive and Primary Care, Tara Kirkpatrick
Quicksand, Handcuffs and Duct Tape: a Life with Disabilities, Amy Lynn Nicola
The History, Problems, and Solutions of Juvenile Incarceration, Patricia Sprecco
The Relationship Between Physics and the West's Philosophy of God, David Vranicar
Planning Effective School Field Trips For Elementary Students, Marcella Sidars
Fool Me Once, Shame On You. Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me: Learning From the Events of 9/11, Kyle Burgardt
Controlling Information Technology Costs and Reporting Roi in Large Organizations, Darrell Jones
Information Sharing Solutions for Nato Headquarters, Wade Alarie
Evaluation of the Pathways Palliative Care Program at the Denver Hospice, Adam Berquist
Classroom Management Preparation and New Teacher Retention, Michele Deats
Gjxdm Documents and Small Law Enforcement Agencies, Darin Dillard
Classroom Management: Strategies for First Year Middle School Teachers, Joy Easter
A Resource Guide for Designing and Facilitating Computer Classes for Older Adults, Joan Fields
Reading Comprehension Strategies for Students with Autism: a Guide and Social Skills Unit Plan, Sarah Gostenik Cass
First Grade Fairy Tale thematic Unit: Improving Writing, Chelsi Gross
The Importance of Science in the Classroom and Implications for Teaching Science Effectively, Jaime Elizabeth Hallez
Technology Integration Professional Development for Teachers: Strategies for Action, Henry E. Hedberg
Homework in Elementary School: a Guide for Educators, DeAnn Hoffman
Wireless Handheld Solution for the Gaming Industry, Mo T. Hyder
Designing and Implementing a Backup and Recovery System for Kentucky's Cooperative Extension Service, Wesley G. Justice
Teacher Preparation to Support an Inclusive Environment: an Elementary Teacher Inservice, Heather Kelly
Managing the Cost of Usable Data Centers, Sisomphone. Khantaphixay
Investment Technology for Trading Business: Delineating Requirements, Processes, and Design Decisions for Order-Management Systems, Daniel L. Mark
A Business Continuity Solution for Telecommunications Billing Systems, Andrew McCormack
Self-Determination Theory: Increasing Motivation in Middle School Students, Mary I. Morrow
The Value Proposition of Service-Oriented Architecture, David Norman
At-Risk in the Virtual Classroom: a Handbook for Student Success, Scott F. Peth
Social Class Bias and the Clinical Relationship, Anthony Rivas
Art Integration in the Classroom, Cindra L. Ross
The Automation of Software Development Metrics, Anthony J. Traino
Technology in Mathematics Education and Ti-Navigator in the Mathematics Classroom, Kymn M. Van Dyken
Developing a Proactive Framework for E-Discovery Compliance, Gerald L. Wallner
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Instructional Practices that Teachers Can Use to Build Motivation in the Classroom, Sheldon S. Reynolds
Retention of Beginning Teachers Through Comprehensive Induction Programs, Debora L. Easterday
Organization and Management of the Sead Help Desk, Ann Evans Durbin
The Integration of Children's Literature Into Mathematics, Jaime Elrath Goldstein
Data Center Migration, Shane Wiswell
Analysis, Selection, and Implementation of a Case Management System for Local City Government Attorney's Office, Patricia D. Hughes
Teaching English Language Learners in the Regular Elementary Classroom, Victoria Woolford
Regular Education and Special Education: toward Improving High School Inclusion, Donna White
Effective Mentoring Programs: a Guide to Developing Successful Programs, Casey Cutter
Interactive Web Portal Application for Ambalta School for Children with Autism, Cathy Talbot
Distributing Real Time Data From a Multi-Node Large Scale Contact Center Using Corba, Joe Goggins
Application Packaging Tracking System, Cormac Quillinan
Design Of A Web-Based Project Tracking System, Robert F. Tschiemer
An Implementation of a Cross-Platform Wireless Router Operating System, David Hunt
Incorporating Bibliotherapy Into the Classroom: a Handbook for Educators, Melissa McEncroe
Trigonometry Unit Based On Brain Research, Cynthia Tait
Integration of Sheltering Strategies in Science Curriculum for English Language Learners, Luhn Lisa Jo Feldman
Art Therapy in the Mainstream Classroom, William C. Forrester
Educating Educators On Mastery Learning And Spiral Learning, Gao Lou Yang
Xml Interfaces: a Growing Need for Standardization, Elizabeth A. Jackson
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the Classroom: Practical Strategies for Teaching to Student Strengths, Lisa Kreutz
Web Based Candidate Assessment System, Noel Kyne
The Implementation of Outdoor Education, Charles L. Yancey
Adult Learning, Continuing Professional Education, and Constructivism Applied to an Insurance Education Program, Cynthia A. Baroway
Factors that Lead American Foreign Language Students to Discontinue the Study of the Target Language Past the Minimum Requirement, Gabriele Seffert
Advantages and Objections to Charter Schools: Are these Schools of Value As Schools of Choice, Kenneth E. Williams
Cerebral Palsy: an Analysis of Hip Pathology and Possible Treatments, Joanna Welch
Molecular Basis of Chromium toxicity: the Role of Glutathione, Sheila Bernard
Day Laborers Speak On Organization, Jason Boccaccio
What Can Your Computer Recognize: Chemical and Facial Pattern Recognition Through the Use of the Eigen Analysis Method, Anthony J. Giordano
Network Performance Monitor and Electronic Mail/Smtp Gateway for the Regis Academic Research Network, Steven F. Martin
Implementation of a Reading Curriculum in a 6 Week Summer Enrichment Program, Katie J. Holz-Russell
Teaching Strategies for Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Trevor P. Higgins
The Importance of a Good Home Literacy Environment, Colleen Vaughan
Single Sex Classrooms, How Boys and Girls Learn Differently: a Guide Book for Elementary Teachers, Desiree Cyr
Multiple Intelligence Theory in the Classroom, Carolann Ellingson
Design and Implementation of an Online Bath and Body Products Business, Norma Prince
Advantages of Looping at the Elementary Level, Laurie K. Rhoads
Development of a Web Based Application for Tracking Human Resource Utilization for a Consulting Firm, Martin Kyne
Model-Driven Software Development, Susan Minton
English As a Second Language: Issues and Strategies: Issues and Strategies: Issues and Strategies, Thomas O. Satter
The Use of Goals to Influence Student Achievement, Dana M. Sorensen
Classroom websites, Angela A. Zimmerer
Establishing Classroom Community at the Intermediate Level, Melissa Culver
Contemporary Leadership Project, Santosh Guha
The Importance Of Incorporating Nutrition Education Programs In Elementary Schools, Tracey Henzel
Small Business Ticketing System, Mohita Kadur
Intrinsically motivated classrooms a perspective for teachers, Kelly Wagner
Near Real-Time Extract, Transform and Load, Wei-Chwen Soon Wilson
Examining the Effectiveness of Computer Animations As a tool in Teaching High School Introductory Chemistry, Carl G. Bailey
Students Who Experience Emotional Crises: How to Ensure that Learning Takes Place in the Classroom, Nancy Anderson
Contracts Database: Part of the Solution, Michael J. Caprioli
The Impact of Mindfulness On Balance, Cognition and Arousal, Susan Elizabeth Chandler
Application of Emotional Intelligence in Elementary Education Classrooms, Sabrina D. Farmer
Network Access Control: Disruptive Technology?, Craig Fisher
Bringing the Visual Arts Classroom Into the 21St Century, Anna Gianakos
Successful Reading Comprehension Strategies for Beginner Readers, Elizabeth S. Gordon
A Pediatric Intervention to Support Early Literacy, Christina R. Graziano
The Establishment of an Inclusive Elementary School, Tina L. Hepp
Promoting Lifelong Learning Through the Use of Self-Regulated Learning: a Guide for Intermediate Educators, Gail Herin
Creating a Software Assembly Line, Gary Allan Howard
A Parent Handbook for Family Childcare Programs, Suzanne Kansteiner
Learning to Co-Create the Solutions We Seek: The Art of Hosting a Nonprofit Organization, Jeannel E. King
Standards base art curriculum for sixth grade students, Lori Llerandi
English Remediation As a Predictor of Student Success in an Undergraduate Adult Program, Karen Mahovich Burke
Creating Culturally Responsive Classrooms: an Action Guide for Educators, Jennifer L. Paz
Participation in the Environmental Information Exchange Network Using the National Emission Inventory Dataflow, Kent M. Thomas
Educating Educators on Mastery Learning and Spiral Learning, GaoLou Yang
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
A comparison of two teaching methodologies in a middle school algebra classroom, Kristina L. Tucky
A Drive towards Technology Girls Incorporated of Cny Action Research Project, Lauren J. Hardee
Design an Object-Oriented Home Inspection Application for a Portable Device, Dion M. Collier
Family Mathematics Night, Ann M. Cartwright
Network Infrastructure Essentials Course Development, Michael A. Case
Work Life Benefit Needs for the City of Lafayette, Colorado, Lisa E. Chrisman
A Training Course for the Underserved Population, Sally M. Cordrey
An Investigation of Developmentally Appropriate Methods in Teaching Drawing, Mark Esguerra
Home management system: application development for inventory management, Lea Herr
Deconstructing the Mock Trial, Harper Louden
Audio Conferencing Participant List Manager 3.0, Maurice Olsen
Retaining Nevada's High Risk Youth in High School, Pat Spadaro
Inclusion Models in Elementary Physical Education, Wendy Storm
An Investigation of Relationships Between Oral Reading Rate and Reading Comprehension, Karen F. Rimkus
Object-Oriented Design of an Automated Calibration System for an Analog I/O Process Control Device, Craig N. Rogers
Geographic Adventures: an Interdisciplinary Fourth Grade Geography Unit, Janet Campbell
Clinical Data Entry & Protocol Tracking System, Neeta Pophali
Meeting the Challenges of Met Data with Mysql, Thomas S. Ciolek
Just community a model of congregational development founded in catholic social teaching, Lynn M. Campbell
Scaling the Zachman Framework a Software Development Methodology for Non-Enterprise Applications, Carla L. Thompson
Design and Development of a Software Module for Minimizing Transportation Cost, Gopalakrishna Udupi
Teaching drama in the ESL classroom, Lisa A. Collins
Application of Differentiation and Universal Design for Learning in the Second Grade Science Curriculum, Tami Wootton Flach
Organizational Change of Parking Systems at University of Colorado Hospital, Sarah S. Kabat
The Rape Investigator's Handbook, Julie Kazimer
Performance Benchmarks for Custom Applications: Considerations and Strategies, Braulio J. Cabral
Speech Communication: a Case to Make Speech a Required Course for Secondary Graduation, Emily K. Campbell
Setting Up Information Technology Structures for Trade Unions, Harvey Hecht
A Novel Approach to Science, Nathan Horton
Kidspeace New England Action Research: Quality of Information Systems Customer Service, Tyler Frank
Standards Based Integrated Mathematics Activities: a Resource Guide for Second Grade Teachers, Angela Doty
Improving the Quality of the Documentation System in a Health Care Environment, Kenneth Ho
Domestic Violence Physical and Emotional in the Male Gay Community, Lee A. Rhodes
Evaluation of Voip Technologies As a Replacement for Traditional Pstn Based Pbx Systems, Albert Culleton
Ethics Officers & Event Planning Using Project Management, Tania L. Ohrn
Starting a School-Based Peer Mentoring Program for Douglas County Partners, Jessica Summers
Building Consolidation Project, Robert Fridell
Creation of Pair Test Online Application, Kevin R. Hayes
Coverage Testing in a Production Software Development Environment, Kent Bortz
Development Of An Information Technology Plan For A Virtual Enterprise Program At A Community College, Christian P. Romero
Unlocking Test-Driven Development, Chris H. Knapp
Bridging the Literature Gap with Age-Appropriate Writing for Middle School Boys and their Teachers, Gary K. Hardy
Five Dimensional Literacy Strategies: a Guide for Elementary Classroom Teachers, Karen J. Bixler
Best Practices for the English Language Learner and the Special Education Student in the Inclusive Classroom, Catherine R. Brown
Handheld Technology: Impact On Student Learning, Patricia M. Corwin
Nonverbal Communication Cues in the Electronic Medium, Theresa M. Flesher
Strategies to Enhance Achievement for Boys, Susan Frick
Teaching Students with Exceptionalities, Jacqueline M. Goodman
Increasing the Social Connection Between Immigrant English Language Learners, School Staff, and Peers in the High School Setting, Gretchen Johnson Griffey
Transition Programs for New High School Students, Carrie Jantz
Effectiveness of Supplemental Reading Activities with First Grade Intensive Readers, Natalie Nena Kaplan
Development of a Custom Call Management System for the Service Department of Premiere Copier Inc., Markas Korotkovas
Revamping the Classroom: Improving the Education of Students with Disabilities, Kathryn M. Lynn
Implementation of Survey and Evaluation System, Srinivas Maddali
Ways to Implement the Practices of the Met School Onto a Traditional Grade 3-5 Classroom, Melanie A. Molloy
Differentiated Teacher Training for Differentiated Instruction, Kristi Steele
The Impact of Looping On Student Achievement On the Colorado Student Assessment Program, Steven C. Tucker
The Effects of Mastication On Memory and Recall in Elementary Students, Donnan J. Laskaris
Development of Dynamically-Generated Pages On a Website, Jodi Wagner
Aloha to Social Studies: an Integrated Curricular Unit, Olivia E. DeJana
The Place of Art in K-12 Education, Emily A. Bumguardner-Myers
The Creation of Organizational Learning Solutions in the Call Center at Direct Checks Through Action Research, Joel Lamoreaux