First Advisor

Upton, Gary


College for Professional Studies

Degree Name

Master of Education


School of Education and Counseling

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access



Number of Pages

72 pgs.


Many older adults are motivated to learn about computers and other new technology; however, they do face obstacles that can prevent or discourage them from pursuing this endeavor. They are just as capable of learning about computers as younger people; they just need encouragement, resources, and programs that are designed and facilitated to meet their needs. The reason these programs are needed and should be available is because they can be very beneficial to their mental health and their community involvement. This resource guide provides information on: (a) benefits of technology, (b) addressing obstacles, (c) motivating factors, (d) tips for setting up computer laboratories, (e) sample lesson plans with PowerPoint slides and handouts included.

Date of Award

Fall 2008

Location (Creation)

Colorado (state); Denver (county); Denver (inhabited place)

Rights Statement

All content in this Collection is owned by and subject to the exclusive control of Regis University and the authors of the materials. It is available only for research purposes and may not be used in violation of copyright laws or for unlawful purposes. The materials may not be downloaded in whole or in part without permission of the copyright holder or as otherwise authorized in the “fair use” standards of the U.S. copyright laws and regulations.

Included in

Education Commons
