First Advisor

Blake, Bradley A.

Second Advisor

Ina, Donald J.

Third Advisor

Karamouzis, Stamos


College for Professional Studies

Degree Name

MS Software Engineering and Database Technologies


School of Computer & Information Science

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Number of Pages

75 pages


Data is a fundamental and necessary element for businesses. During their operations they generate a certain amount of data that they need to capture, store, and later on retrieve when required. Databases provide the means to store and effectively retrieve data. Such a database can help a business improve its services, be more competitive, and ultimately increase its profits. In this paper, the system requirements of a distributed database are researched for a movie rental and sale store that has at least two outlets in different locations besides the main one. This project investigates the different stages of such a database, namely, the planning, analysis, decision, implementation and testing.

Date of Award

Summer 2009

Location (Creation)

Colorado (state); Denver (county); Denver (inhabited place)

Rights Statement

All content in this Collection is owned by and subject to the exclusive control of Regis University and the authors of the materials. It is available only for research purposes and may not be used in violation of copyright laws or for unlawful purposes. The materials may not be downloaded in whole or in part without permission of the copyright holder or as otherwise authorized in the “fair use” standards of the U.S. copyright laws and regulations.
