Volume 1, Number 1 (2012)
Editorial Introduction to Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal
Ivan Gaetz and Marie Friedemann
Disruptive Innovation as Insight
Marcel J. Dumestre
Finding God in All Things ... and Back Home
John P. Fitzgibbons S.J.
Cultivating Discernment
Abigail Gosselin
Performing Arts and Community Exchange (PACE) and the Fulfillment of the Ignatian Educational Promise
Janna Goodwin and Amie Dowling
Encountering Asian Art through Joint Faculty-Student Field Research and Museum Curatorship: Ignatian Parallels
Susan Rodgers
A Balancing Act - Reflections on 37 Years at Regis University: An Interview with Fr. Michael J. Sheeran, S.J., President, Regis University
Marie Friedemann and Fr. Michael J. Sheeran S.J.
Developing Justice-Oriented Teachers: Personal Transformation through Relationships
Joan Armon, Elizabeth Grassi, Heidi Barker, John Cross, Kathy Nutting, and Elizabeth Dorman
A Matter of Style: Using the Teaching/Learning Cycle to Design Holistic Instruction
Cynthia B. Barnes
Adopting Killer Ignatian Apps for Facebook: Employing Jesuit Pedagogy to Enrich Student Involvement in Social Media
John C. Freeman
Dreams from the Podium
James Patrick Walsh
Engaging and Empowering Preservice Teachers through Ignatian and Critical Pedagogy: Examples from the Classroom
Sandra L. Foster
Lessons from the Field: Teaching a Completely Online "Global Business" Course to African Refugees in Northern Kenya and Malawi
Ravi Chinta, Kristine Brands, Mark Beattie, Vivian Faustino-Pulliam, Bernard Kelleher, and Stanley Wheeler