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Inaugural Guest Editorial: In significant ways, Dr. Marcel Dumestre was a motivating force in the creation of this scholarly online journal. Marcel founded the Ignatian Scholars Program in 2005, a faculty development opportunity in the College for Professional Studies at Regis University that included in its objectives the publication of a scholarly article by each of the participants. The article was to explore and develop a spirituality or philosophy of education related to the discipline of each faculty member. It became clear, however, that venues for publication in discipline-specific journals that also encompassed educational philosophy and the unique Jesuit pedagogical paradigm were indeed limited. The expertise and experience of one of the editors, Dr. Gaetz, with another online open access journal in librarianship gave rise to the idea of this journal. Over the past two years, as the idea germinated, the scope of its reach expanded to include not only the scholarly output of the Ignatian Scholars but also that of other faculty members within the community of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, and beyond. Under Marcel’s leadership of the Ignatian Scholars Program, a guiding light has been the work of noted Jesuit philosopher, Bernard Lonergan. Although many other thinkers factor into the reflection, critique and practice of education during the program’s course of studies, Lonergan seemed to hold a particular place of privilege given the scope, depth and profoundly Jesuit character of his thought. In recognition of Marcel’s role, we believe it fitting to present the following editorial article that represents the aspirations of this journal—to think deeply, critically and radically on educational matters represented in the Jesuit tradition of higher education. This article also shows how the journal hopes to widen the horizons of Jesuit educational thought by engaging other important thinkers. Clearly, it is not that articles will always, or even mostly, reflect the work of Lonergan, but it is hoped that all articles in Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal, will be insightful and perhaps even be disruptive as they explore, develop, extend and critique this great tradition in higher education. -- General Editors
Recommended Citation
Dumestre, Marcel J.. "Disruptive Innovation as Insight." Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal Vol. 1: No. 1 (2012) . Available at: