Most Recent Additions*
On Education in a Digital Age
Colby Dickinson
Jesuit Resources at Georgetown University Special Collections
Aleksandra L. Kinlen
Transgender and Gender-Queer People Belong in Jesuit Higher Education
Morgan Keating and Konstantin Platonov
A Strategic Vision for Jesuit Higher Education Networks
Susana Di Trolio
Review of The 272: The Families Who Were Enslaved and Sold to Build the American Catholic Church
Kelly Schmidt
Raynor Library’s Archival Collections and Institutional Repository: A Reflection of Marquette University’s Jesuit Tradition.
Amy Cooper Cary
Key Elements of a Holistic Approach to Communal Discernment that Promotes Synodality in Church and Society
Christina Kheng
Physician Assistant Students as Agents of Change through Service-Learning Opportunities
Kelli Frost ,MS, PA-C; Nour Lyon ,MS, PA-C; Arthur Ko ,PhD; Claire Barry ,PA-S; and Michael Martin ,MALS
Course Registration Practices at a Jesuit University: Practicing Critical Hope to Address Barriers to Access and Belonging
Corey Knadler, Laura Diaz Martinez, Annmarie Caño, Kirk R. Anders, Yolanda Gallardo, and Nancy L. Staub
Cura Communitatis in the Time of Coronavirus
Jeffrey LaBelle
Discernir juntos en grupos pequeños
Franck Janin SJ
Embracing Communal Discernment for Synodal Leadership in Jesuit Higher Education
Deogratias Fikiri SJ
Communal Discernment in Service to a Synodal Church
Thomas Kelly and Joseph DeFeo
Mental Gainz: Resistance Training for Anxiety and Depression
Madelynn Loring
*Updated as of 02/10/25.