Volume 7, Number 2 (2018)
Jesuit Worldwide Learning Graduations in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Dzaleka Refugee Camp July 2018
Marie Friedemann and Fr. John P. Fitzgibbons
Occupational Therapy: A Partner for Justice in Jesuit Higher Education
Rebecca M. Aldrich
The Poor and Marginalized Among Us: Contingent Faculty in Jesuit Universities
Richard D. Clark, Carrie Buchanan, and Christina Rawls
Magis in Jesuit Higher Education
Teaching Magis at College: Meaning, Mission, and Moral Responsibility
Marcus Mescher
Removing Barriers for Contemporary Student Success
Amy Beth Rell and Elisa Robyn
Sport at the Service of Human Development: Distinctly Jesuit Athletics
Matthew L. Davidson Ph.D. and Robert W. Davis Jr., Ed.D.
Compassion: A Way to Live in Community
Michael Lee Spangle and Richard Marsceau
Jesuit-Infused Online Training to Work with Military Couples & Families:
Joshua Kreimeyer and Jody Huntington