"The Circle of Insight: A Process for Deepening Ignatian Imagination, a" by Anthony Nicotera

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Former Jesuit, educator, scholar, clinical social worker, peace and justice activist and advocate, and co-director of Seton Hall University’s Catholic Social Thought (CST) in Action Academy and NYU’s Post-Master’s Certificate Program in Spirituality and Social Work, Dr. Anthony Nicotera shares his Circle of Insight framework as a tool for deepening Ignatian imagination and inviting hope. The Circle of Insight’s See, Reflect, Act process, inspired by CST, and curated and created by Dr. Nicotera over twenty-five years of spiritual, social justice, and social work advocacy and practice, including teaching social justice courses and engaging in nonviolent civil resistance, builds on Ignatian spirituality and invites practical, imaginative movement toward realizing our deepest desires and attaining the love of God. Dr. Nicotera shares lessons learned from his time as a Jesuit novice and scholastic, his experiences working with Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and his current work leading the CST in Action Academy. In the spirit of St. Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises, he offers a framework for prayerful practice to attain the love of God. Together the Circle of Insight and Ignatian spirituality help foster Gospel hope and love that invites liberation and an awakening from our illusion of separateness.



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