Volume 12, Number 1 (2023)
What Does The Ignatian Leader Do?
Michelle Wheatley D.Min.
Addressing Grade Inflation in Advanced Practice Provider Jesuit Education
Mitzi Marie Saunders
Challenges Faced by Jesuit Worldwide Learning Students: Piloting a Mixed Methods Investigation
Martha Habash, Alexander Roedlach, Jill M. Fox, Gretchen Oltman, Ashley T. Abraham, and Yasmine H. Jakmouj
Operationalizing “Substantive Faculty Interaction” for online courses: identifying high impact teaching practices
Crystal Evans and M.D. Kinoti
Preparing Humanities Students for Employment: Reimagining Career Exploration and Education through Ignatian Spirituality and Discernment
Elizabeth L. Angeli, Serina Jamison, and Susan E. Jones-Landwer
Eloquentia Perfecta: Performing Public Speaking to Enhance Scientific Presentation Skills of Pharmacy Students
Marta J. Brooks and Trudi Wright
Ignatian Leadership as a Mechanism for Human Liberation: “What’s Love Got to Do with It?”
Jennifer Tilghman-Havens
At the Foot of the Black Cross in America
Christopher Pramuk
History of Jesuit education in the United States
Sources on the History of Jesuit Higher Education: A Bibliographic Essay
Michael Rizzi
Book review
Book Review: Daniel Hendrickson, SJ. Jesuit Higher Education in a Secular Age.
Emily Jendzejec
Liberal arts, Catholic higher education
Review of Leisure and Labor: Essays on the Liberal Arts in Catholic Higher Education
Timothy Rothhaar