
Article Title

Fides et Ratio: The Pursuit of Faith and Reason in the 21st Century Catholic University


The faculty fellows who participated in the 21st Annual Loyola Marymount University’s President’s Institute in May 2016 explored the topic of faith and reason in the 21st century Catholic university. The fellows explored the theme from the perspective of the relationship between faith and reason; our personal relationship to faith and reason; and the relationship of faith and reason to our academic disciplines in the context of our teaching, scholarship, and service. The idea that these notions compete for primacy in a Catholic university became fundamental to the exploration. This article provides an overview of the institute’s theme and the literature that served as foundational; the essential questions that formed the basis of the presentations and activities of the institute; an analysis of the fellows’ experiences in relation to those questions; a discussion of the themes that emerged from the fellows’ written data sets; and recommendations for Jesuit institutions considering the exploration of topics such as this with faculty.