Volume 11, Number 1 (2022)
Editorial: On the Gift of Collaboration
Kari Kloos
Universal Apostolic Preferences
Reimagining the Humanistic Tradition: Using Isocratic Philosophy, Ignatian Pedagogy, and Civic Engagement to Journey with Youth and Walk with the Excluded
Allen Brizee
Cura Personalis: the Incarnational Heart of Jesuit Education
Catherine Peters
Liberal Studies and Servant Leadership: Inspiring Ignatian values at the margins
Isabella Rega and Melodie Honen-Delmar
Living, Learning, Serving: Outcomes of Combining a Living-Learning Program with Service-Learning Courses
Allen Brizee, Kate Figiel-Miller, and Marianna Carlucci
Universal Apostolic Preferences
Integral Conversion: A Catholic Pedagogical Framework for Teaching Environmental Sustainability and Ecological Citizenship from Japan
Michael R. Polito
Universal Apostolic Preferences
Teaching Spanish Conversation Through the UAPs: A Pedagogy of Jesuit Values and Mission
Richard D. Reitsma
A Jesuit Way of Innovating?
Lanny Vincent
Jesuit Higher Education Best Practices
IAJU Best Practices in Jesuit Higher Education Program
Susana Di Trolio