First Advisor

Lora Claywell


Rueckert-Hartman College for Health Professions

Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice

Document Type

Dissertation - Open Access

Number of Pages

51 pages


Mentorship has played an important role in nursing and nursing education for decades. However, there have yet to be any standard qualifications or training programs for those who mentor others. Poor mentorship increases faculty turnover, stress, and poor student outcomes. A quality improvement initiative was implemented in the Associate Degree Nursing Program using an evidence-based approach. Using a pre-post survey design with convenience sampling, five (N=5) nursing faculty met the qualifications to participate in the mentor training program. The Mentor Efficacy (MES) survey, which consisted of 30 questions, was administered to measure the participants' feelings of self-efficacy in the mentoring process. A paired t-test was done to compare and identify differences between the pre and post-test scores for the MES. The analysis did not indicate a statistical difference in the mean pre and post-test scores. However, statistical differences were noted when objectives for individual mentoring modules were compared. Objectives included overall self-efficacy, evaluation of mentees' performances, promotion of professional growth, and responsibilities of new educators. Limitations of the study included sample size, limited project duration, and the survey structure used. The findings of this project support future focus on mentor qualifications and needs for training and improving outcomes for faculty and students, ultimately creating a positive impact on nursing education.

Date of Award

Spring 2024

Location (Creation)

Denver, Colo.

Rights Statement

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Nursing Commons
