Subtitle/Alternate Title

Empowering Kokal: A Decolonized, Community-Led Development Model in Homa Bay County, Kenya

First Advisor

A. Scott DuPree, PhD, Adjunct Professor, MDP, Regis University

Second Advisor

Elisabeth Moolenaar, PhD, Term Professor, Department of Anthropology, Sociology and Criminal Justice, Affiliate MDP, Regis University

Third Advisor

Nina Miller, PhD

Thesis Committee Member(s)

A. Scott DuPree, PhD, Adjunct Professor, MDP, Regis University Elisabeth Moolenaar, PhD, Term Professor, Department of Anthropology, Sociology and Criminal Justice, Affiliate MDP, Regis University Nina Miller, PhD, Program Director, MDP, Regis University


Elisabeth Moolenaar, PhD, Term Professor, Department of Anthropology, Sociology and Criminal Justice, Affiliate MDP, Regis University


Regis College

Degree Name

Master of Development Practice


Regis University

Document Type

Thesis - Open Access


This Capstone Project provides a unique and insightful case study of community-led development in rural Kenya. It offers practical strategies for addressing poverty, powerlessness, and inequality through a decolonized approach that centers on community empowerment, local knowledge, and sustainable practices. This work is a valuable resource for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers interested in community development, social change, and equitable development in Africa.

Number of Pages

39 pages


In Homa Bay County, Kenya, a community-led development initiative called the Power Centre is transforming the fight against poverty and powerlessness. Grounded in principles of decolonization and participatory action, this project addresses the root causes of marginalization by empowering residents of Kokal Village to become active agents of change. Through a robust mixed-methods research approach, the project identifies systemic challenges and leverages existing social networks to build a sustainable, locally-owned model for development. The Power Centre implements a three-pronged strategy, focusing on increasing community participation, strengthening existing groups, and fostering collaborative networks to weave a robust support system. By addressing immediate needs, investing in capacity building, and promoting social enterprise, this project aims to create a thriving local economy and resilient community that can overcome historical inequalities and shape its own future. This case study provides valuable insights into the potential of community-led, decolonized development approaches to achieve lasting social and economic transformation in rural Kenya and beyond.

Date of Award

Summer 2024

Location (Creation)

Denver, Colo.

Rights Statement

All content in this Collection is owned by and subject to the exclusive control of Regis University and the authors of the materials. It is available only for research purposes and may not be used in violation of copyright laws or for unlawful purposes. The materials may not be downloaded in whole or in part without permission of the copyright holder or as otherwise authorized in the “fair use” standards of the U.S. copyright laws and regulations.
