Subtitle/Alternate Title

How Hormonal Cycles Affect Academic Productivity, Mood, and Stress Levels in College Students

First Advisor

Dr. Amanda Miller


Dr. Jay Campisi


Regis College

Degree Name


Document Type

Thesis - Open Access

Number of Pages

120 pages


Hormonal cycles play an essential role in the development and maturation of young boys and girls into men and women. As teenagers enter their late teens and early twenties, their hormonal cycles are primarily responsible for functions related to fertility and hormone production. During this period of time, these men and women are often in their collegiate years. Overall, the college experience is enjoyable for many students, but it can also be a very stressful time due to a difficult class load and the students’ need to balance their academic, social, and personal lives. Recent studies have analyzed the effects that hormonal cycles and stress levels have on college students. However, it is important to note the differences between genders. The education system is often divided into daily and seasonal sections, with the average school day occurring daily and semesters occurring somewhat seasonally. With this knowledge, it is evident that the college experience aligns with the male hormonal cycle. Nothing about the education system caters to the monthly hormonal cycle of females. As a result, I conducted a study to determine if there is an impact of reading comprehension and mood on academic productivity in female college students. My results demonstrated that there was no difference in reading comprehension or mood levels based on phase of the female hormonal cycle and stress. Even though I did not find any statistically significant results, it is still important to consider how to level the playing field. Therefore, I propose methods, such as exercising, increasing Vitamin D intake, and practicing methods of mindfulness, that women can utilize in their daily lives to accommodate for hormonal fluctuations.

Date of Award

Spring 2024

Location (Creation)

Denver, Colo.

Rights Statement

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