Browse Journals and Peer-Reviewed Series
Counseling and Family Therapy Scholarship Review (Scholarly and Peer-Reviewed Journals)
ISSN 2576-926X
The Counseling and Family Therapy Scholarship Review (CFTSR) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, online journal focused on promoting insights of diverse cultural-contextual perspectives to stretch the range of information available for the practice of counseling and systemic psychotherapy. The Scholarship Review is a platform for unique perspectives on conventional knowledge and marginalized domains of information. Faculty, private practice clinicians, non-profit social services staff and graduate students are invited to submit literature reviews, proposed advancements to counseling and systemic theory, social research, clinical case write-ups, personal narratives, concerns of social ethics, contemporary social trends, predictions for future biopsychosocial trends, socio-political commentaries, poetry and short stories.
Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal (Scholarly and Peer-Reviewed Journals)
ISSN 2164-7666
Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal (JHE) is a scholarly, peer reviewed, open access, online journal focused on the development, advancement, and critique of higher education in the Jesuit tradition. We welcome submissions on the scholarship and practice of Ignatian pedagogy in any academic disciplinary or interdisciplinary context as well as how the Jesuit mission is infused in all aspects of higher education, including student life, experiential learning, and other cocurricular activities.
“For everyone ought to reflect that in all spiritual matters, the more one divests oneself of self-love, self-will, and self-interests, the more progress one will make.”