A cyber security multi agency collaboration for rapid response that uses AGILE methods on an education infrastructure
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
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This study provides a summary and analysis of a cyber security multi agency collaboration for rapid response by Regis University (RU), in partnership with the Colorado Army and Air Force National Guard (CONG) and the State of Colorado (SOC), deploying AGILE methods to improve the ability of the CONG and SOC to respond to attacks against Colorado’s critical infrastructure. The summary covers formative discussions and about a year-long series of physical exercises, lectures and certification exams that advanced the study participants domain knowledge, awareness of SOC policy and communication with industry. Other states and territories can use the model to the benefit of their citizens. Events included multiple simulations, physical exercise scenarios, and table top exercises designed to give real-world substance to more abstract cyber security concepts and integrate physical world consequences to actions performed by the participants.
Recommended Citation
Moore, Erik and Likarish, Dan, "A cyber security multi agency collaboration for rapid response that uses AGILE methods on an education infrastructure" (2015). Regis University Faculty Publications (comprehensive list). 578.
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