White noise as a possible therapeutic option for children with ADHD

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Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects many children and adults throughout the world. ADHD symptoms have been associated with changes in catecholamine release. Current therapies for ADHD have a variety of limitations that invite additional therapeutic options. White noise therapy has previously been utilized to improve sleep and aspects of cognition in a variety of patient populations. Through a proposed phenomenon called stochastic resonance, white noise may have the ability to improve symptoms in children with ADHD. Empirically, white noise therapy has been able to improve certain tasks affected by ADHD symptoms, including speech recognition and reading and writing speed. Not all tasks affected by ADHD are improved, however, and significant logistical challenges remain before this therapy could be realistically implemented. In this review, there appears to be evidence that white noise therapy could be beneficial for patients with ADHD, and therefore further research is encouraged to establish parameters for maximum therapeutic benefit.

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