Healthcare resource utilization, expenditures, and productivity in patients with asthma with and without allergies

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Objective: To compare healthcare resource utilization (HCRU), healthcare expenditures, and work productivity and activity impairment within a general asthma population with persistent asthma and evidence of allergy (PA-EA) and persistent asthma with no evidence of allergy (PA-NEA). Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of survey responses and claims from the Observational Study of Asthma Control and Outcomes (OSACO) study. Eligible patients with persistent asthma aged ≥12 years were sent four surveys over 15 months. Regression models were used to assess the association between: (1) PA-EA (defined as a positive response to a survey question about hay fever/seasonal allergies AND ≥1 diagnostic code for atopic conditions) and HCRU and expenditures; and (2) PA-EA and Work Productivity and Activity Impairment (WPAI)-Asthma questionnaire scores (vs. PA-NEA). Results: Adjusted data showed that, vs. PA-NEA (n = 312), patients with PA-EA (n = 971) incurred 1.34-times more all-cause prescriptions (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.20–1.48), $132.79 higher prescription costs (95% CI, $22.03–243.56), and $926.11 higher all-cause total healthcare costs (95% CI, $279.67–1572.54), per 4-month period. Patients with PA-EA were 4.1% less productive while working (95% CI, 3.75–4.48%) and experienced a 6.5% reduction in all activities (95% CI, 6.11–6.88%) vs. those with PA-NEA. Conclusions: Patients with PA-EA had greater HCRU, healthcare expenditures, and lower productivity compared with those patients with PA-NEA. These results highlight the burden of atopy in patients with persistent asthma and underscore the importance of allergic endotype identification for more vigilant disease management.

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