

A central problem facing humanity is that we have forgotten our sense of belonging. We no longer feel like we belong to ourselves, each other, and the world in deep and meaningful ways. Modern culture has uprooted the heart felt bonds of authentic connection and replaced them with false experiences of belonging through the addictive qualities of materialism, narcissism, and rationalism. As a result we suffer from our lost experiences of soul, spirit, and the aliveness of the world. In this article, we will explore belonging as the process of growth, forever pushing away the old and pulling towards new ways of being. The qualities of belonging explored herein reveal a heroic journey of remembrance from the innocence of being in childhood to the wounds of betrayal, alienation, and growth. This narrative exploration guides us from disillusionment and isolation to a remembering of what more authentic belonging feels like and how we are called to it as a homecoming to ourselves.



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