Using an Electronically Delivered and Culturally Based Nutrition Module to Educate Latino Parents

Lia H. Yoon, Regis University


Research Question: In the absence of current culturally based nutrition education at a northern California pediatric clinic, will a Latino and technology based nutrition education modality for the delivery of nutrition education to parents of Latino patients ages one year to 18 years old increase their nutrition knowledge? Purpose: To improve outcomes in the parents’ nutrition knowledge in order to improve the patients’ health status and promote future healthy nutrition behaviors. Methods: The project was a quasi-experimental pre-test post-test quantitative design. The primary outcome measures for the project included the difference between the pre-test knowledge survey from the post-education module survey to determine the immediate impact of nutrition education. The survey had a multiple-choice design. Upon completion of the survey, the participants were instructed to watch a short (six minutes) nutrition education module on fruits and vegetables delivered though iTunes on an iPad. Outcomes and Results: The paired samples t-test revealed there was a significantly higher average knowledge score on the post-test than the pre-test, t(129) = -2.364, p<0.05. This project provides a framework for future studies involving the use of culture and technology based nutrition education modules.